The landscape of tobacco product and cannabis flavor bans or restrictions varies significantly across the country. In both industries, some states restrict all or some flavors in all types of products, while other states restrict all or some flavors in some, but not all, products. Below, we provide a high-level overview of the flavor ban and restriction landscape in both industries. As we will discuss, there is a wide disparity between cannabis and tobacco product flavor bans or restrictions and, where they exist, there appears to be more flexibility among cannabis flavor restrictions than for tobacco product flavor bans or restrictions.
Kevin Andres Rodriguez
* Kevin Andres Rodriguez is a 2023 and 2024 summer associate at Troutman Pepper and is not licensed to practice law in any jurisdiction.
Virginia’s New Hemp Regulations – How It Affects Businesses
Posted in State Regulatory
Virginia’s new hemp-derived products statutes (Va. Code § 3.2-5145.1 et seq.) went into effect as of July 1, standing to drastically alter the availability of hemp-derived products in Virginia.