The Troutman Sanders tobacco practice is excited to be participating in the 2014 Food and Drug Law Institute (“FDLI”) Annual Conference. This two-day conference will host experts from the federal government in addition to representatives from the private sector. Bryan Haynes will be speaking on Wednesday, April 23rd in the afternoon panel entitled “An Update on Tobacco Product Deeming Regulations.” The panel will be delving into “the issues related to the tobacco product requirements, allocation of user fees to new tobacco categories, advertising regulations and marketing restrictions, and good manufacturing practices” for potential FDA regulations of additional products, such as e-cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco.

FDLI Annual Conference
April 23-24, 2014
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
For agenda and registration information, please click here.

For questions and/or comments, please contact Bryan Haynes, at 804.697.1420 or by email.