The Troutman Sanders Tobacco practice is proud to be participating in the Food and Drug Law Institute’s (“FDLI”) FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products Conference. This one-day conference will focus on latest developments in FDA tobacco product regulation, both in review for 2013 and in the future. The program will host government, industry and public interest experts in order to provide updates on various issues, such as changing product standards and current and future research efforts, in addition to a discussion of the regulation of modified-risk tobacco products, especially in reference to electronic cigarettes.
Bryan Haynes will be speaking on a panel titled: “Exploring Tobacco Product Standards: Opportunities and Challenges” The panel is described as follows:
Developing tobacco product standards under section 907 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act presents opportunities and challenges to FDA and to tobacco product manufacturers. Panelists in this session will present on a variety of issues related to defining standards for different tobacco products, currently regulated under the Act and likely to be regulated in the future. Issues for discussion will include characterizing flavors in cigars, menthol in cigarettes and other tobacco products, and a comparative discussion of global standards.
FDLI Conference on FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products
October 29, 2013
Washington, DC
Agenda and Registration Information:
For questions and/or comments, please contact Bryan Haynes, at 804.697.1420 or by email.