The landscape of tobacco product and cannabis flavor bans or restrictions varies significantly across the country. In both industries, some states restrict all or some flavors in all types of products, while other states restrict all or some flavors in some, but not all, products. Below, we provide a high-level overview of the flavor ban and restriction landscape in both industries. As we will discuss, there is a wide disparity between cannabis and tobacco product flavor bans or restrictions and, where they exist, there appears to be more flexibility among cannabis flavor restrictions than for tobacco product flavor bans or restrictions.

Nick Ramos
Nick draws on years of military leadership, project management, and legal experience to help clients solve difficult business problems from a legal perspective. His practical advice enables clients to navigate regulatory compliance and licensing issues, complex investigations, and high stakes enforcement actions that arise under state and federal law.
FDA Launches Legally Marketed Tobacco Products Database
FDA recently announced the launch of a new searchable database containing almost 17,000 tobacco products that may be legally marketed in the U.S. The database provides information on each tobacco product including product names, company names, categories (e.g., cigarette, roll-your-own, e-cigarette, cigar, heated tobacco product), sub-categories (e.g., e- components, filler, leaf wrap), source of U.S. marketing authority (e.g., marketing granted order, substantially equivalent order, found exempt order), and the date of FDA’s action on the tobacco products. FDA indicates that it plans to update the database on a monthly basis. This database is helpful to industry members seeking more transparency from FDA about which products are authorized for sale in the U.S. The database is not, however, without limitations.
Troutman Pepper Tobacco + Nicotine Team to Attend TMA 2024 Annual Meeting and Conference
Mark your calendars for the TMA 2024 Annual Meeting and Conference! The Troutman Pepper Tobacco + Nicotine team will be in attendance, with our very own Bryan Haynes participating in a panel discussion, “Taking Stock: Discussions on Legal Challenges and What Comes Next.” Bryan will discuss court actions challenging the…
Massachusetts High Court Upholds Local Tobacco Sales Ban
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) recently upheld, in a unanimous decision, the town of Brookline’s ordinance banning the sale of tobacco and e-cigarette products to anyone born after Jan. 1, 2000 (the Tobacco Sales Ban). Brookline is the first U.S. locality to impose a tobacco sales ban based on a specific date.
State Excise Tax Considerations for Tobacco and Nicotine Manufacturers, Distributors and Retailers
A couple of years ago we posted an overview of state licensing and excise tax considerations for tobacco companies. In this post, we take a closer look at state excise tax considerations. When approaching state excise tax issues, it may be helpful to establish a checklist to help manufacturers, distributors, and retailers determine the impact of these laws on their products and distribution models.
FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products Releases Annual Regulatory Agenda
We recently discussed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products’ (CTP) strategic plan intended to guide CTP’s activity for the next five years. On the same day, CTP released its annual regulation and policy guidance agenda, which “outlines rules and guidance documents that are in development or planned for development.” Below, we discuss CTP’s current priorities for new regulations. CTP’s policy agenda is important because it identifies the areas CTP views as most in need of regulation or guidance, and the key actions it plans to take in those areas.
California Considers Modifying Prop 65 Warning Requirements (Again)
In 2021 we wrote about the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s (OEHHA) plans to amend regulations governing Proposition 65 (Prop 65) short-form warning labels. On May 20, 2022, however, OEHHA notified the public that it was unable to complete the regulatory process within the required time period (i.e., one year of the date it was first noticed to the public), and that it instead intended to restart the process with a new regulatory proposal. OEHHA issued its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Clear and reasonable Warnings: Short-form Warnings on October 27, 2023, and on November 30, 2023 issued a notice that it will hold a public hearing on December 13, 2023. The public may submit comments until December 20, 2023.
ENDS Companies Take Legal Action Against Allegedly Noncompliant Competitors
Recently, NJOY LLC filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California against more than 30 foreign and domestic defendants that manufacture, market, distribute, and sell tobacco products in an (indirect) effort to force them to comply with federal and state laws. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company (collectively, RJR) also recently filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) against more than 25 foreign and domestic manufacturers, distributors, and retailers (collectively, the respondents) that seeks to prevent the import and resale of certain tobacco products. These lawsuits serve as two examples of how industry is trying to take independent legal action to target allegedly noncompliant actors and force them to comply with applicable law.
Oregon Court Upholds Local Tobacco Product Flavor Ban
Over the last decade, hundreds of localities have passed ordinances restricting or prohibiting the sale of some or all types of tobacco products. Some of these ordinances have been challenged in court, but, in most cases, the localities have prevailed. In this case, a group of retailers (the Retailers), sued Multnomah County, Oregon (the County) in January 2023 alleging that the County’s flavored tobacco product ban was unlawful. Earlier this month, consistent with the overall trend, the court ruled against the Retailers and upheld the County’s flavor ban.
Troutman Pepper Team to Attend the 2023 FTA Tobacco Section Annual Conference
Agustin Rodriguez and Nicholas Ramos of the Troutman Pepper Tobacco Team will be attending the 2023 Federation of Tax Administration (FTA) Tobacco Section Annual Conference. This in-person event will be held in Tucson, Arizona from August 20-23, 2023, and presents a great opportunity for government and industry members to collaborate…